Town & Country Garden Club, Newtown Ct
DOB (M/D)____________Occupation__________________________________________
Email Address:_____________________________________________ Tele:(work) _______________
Tele: (Home)_____________________________________________Tele: (Cell) __________________
Spouse/Partner's Name _________________________________________________________________
The Town & Country Garden Club is a civic and educational organization. Our objectives are to promote interest in horticulture, increase the knowledge of the artistic use of plant material, further the conservation of our natural resources and encourage and assist with civic and environmental projects. At present, the Club is committed to the constant maintenance of the planting on three of the traffic islands in the Borough of Newtown.
Every member is expected to participate in the upkeep of the islands ( if possible) as well as taking part in our fund raisers. Members are also encouraged to attend our monthly meetings.
Annual membership dues are set yearly by the Executive Board. Payment of dues entitles each member to a handbook which includes the programs for the year and a membership directory, a monthly newsletter sent via email; and information and discounts for activities sponsored by the Federated Garden Clubof CT.. The dues helps support the club's efforts and activities throughout the year.
Garden Club activities/ committees in which you are most interested:
Flower Gardening:______ Flower Arranging:_______ House Plants: _______ Conservation: _______
Vegetable Gardening: ______ Landscaping: ______ Civic Beautification: _______ Environment: ______
Join a Committee/ take a Position: Fund-raising ____ Hospitality ____, Secretary _____ Civic _____
Treasurer _______, Programs ______, Publicity _______, Membership ______Webmaster_____,
Communications, Conservation ______, Horticulture ________, Other__________________
We sincerely hope that you will decide to become an active member of Town & Country .
Signature of applicant __________________________________________________________________
You can download this application and send it to
Denise Rod, membership chairman
7 Briarwood Lane
Newtown, CT 06470
or email it to her