The Federated Garden club of Connecticut held its ninety-fifty awards luncheon on October 16 2024 where our club was given five awards.

The team members for this project were: Chairman Teri Doern, Jane Vouros, Mary Ellen Weiner, Denise Rod, Chris Lincoln, Mae Grant, Gail Diminico and Josie Schmidt.

Teri has assumed many leadership roles in our club including current treasurer, past civic chairman, captain of Island 1, second vice president, and for the last two years chairman of the scarecrow project at Fairfield Hills.

The award was given for the 4 members who stepped forward to mentor new members and reinforce good design princilpes by holding design workshops. The first workshop was for club members and the second was open to the public.

Chris Lincoln accepted this award for Barbara O’Connor, Margareta Kotch, Peggy Townsend, and Arline Shanley.

Thanks to her guidance and reminders, members became involved in invasive plant removal, spring clean-up, gardening assistance for the elderly, scarecrow contest, and the Lions Club Lose the Litter on Earth Day. She also encouraged members to learn more about town environmental issues.

Over the past six decades Chuck has been an invaluable supporter and friend to our club. From the very beginning Chuck, along with Barbara O'Connor - a founding member of our club -, played a crucial role in shaping our organization.
The Federated Garden club of Connecticut held its ninety-fifty awards luncheon in October 2023.
Ten club members attended the Ninety-fourth Annual Federated Garden Clubs Awards meeting on October 25. Jane Vouros received A Club Certificate of Appreciation from our club for being the person behind the scenes for so many years as hospitality chairman making sure we have refreshments at every meeting, beautifully displayed . Her enthusiasm and expertise are evident
in all club activities.