Town & Country Garden Club
Newtown, Connecticut
an educational and charitable 501(c)(3)non-profit organization
Chairman: Alexis Capaldo
Members: Jane Vouros, Peggy Fillion, Barbara McCann,
Joan Alexander, Jan Gardner, Hillary Goldstein, Denise Rod, Teri Doern, Barbara O'Connor
Friends of Newtown Seniors Project April 27, 2022
Chris Lincoln, Arline Shanley, Josie Schmidt, Mary Ellen Weiner, Teri Doern, Peggy Fillion, and Denise Rod worked for 3 hours at long time member Joyce Webster's house. They all had their own equipment and started by raking off and weeding the pachysandra patch. Then they moved on to 5 flower beds, where they trimmed and weeded. They even weeded the patch across the stream so you can now walk across the bridge, and along the front of the house. They finished by putting down 15 bags of mulch on the gardens! All that in 3 hours.
On June 4, 2022 our club members held a free Rock Painting activity at the Dickinson Park Inclusive Playground Ribbon Cutting celebration sponsored by The Newtown Lions Club. Their club raised the funds to place three pieces of wheelchair-accessible playground equipment adjacent to the existing Fun Space structures.
Pictured here are Josie Schmidt, Peggy Fillion, Alexis Capaido and Chris Linclon. Other helpers that day were Mae Grant, Nancy Azzarro and Gail Diminico.
Each year the members create decorations and then decorate a tree.
December 2, 2022
This year the inspiration for the tree was 26 angles ornaments in memory of the lives lost in the Sandy Hook tragedy 10 years ago.
The tree was set up in the Newtown Community Center
The tree committee was led by Jane Vouros. The members in the photo from left to right were: Alexis Capaldo, Emi Lydem Jan Gardner, Peg Fillion, Lina Williams. Jane Vourso, Barbara O'Connor and Barbara McCann.
Other Committee members were: Betsy Reichert, Denise Rod, , Lilleba Peterson,